Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Final Curtain...How to Know When It's REALLY Over!

by Cherry Norris, "The Dating Director"

Cindy and Sam have been dating for two years.

Cindy wants an engagement ring and a wedding date.

Sam wants to keep things as they are...casual dating.

When Cindy confronted Sam about his long-term plan for them, Sam told her he wasn't interested in marriage.  He is, however, still interested in dating her.

Cindy and Sam are incompatible.

Sadly, Cindy broke up with Sam. 

Sam still calls Cindy, wanting to remain friends.

Cindy now questions if her relationship with Sam is REALLY over. 

Often in a relationship, the final curtain is a break-up and not a marriage.  But how do you know when your relationship is REALLY over?

1.  You Are Incompatible

When you and your partner are not able to reach an agreement for a long-term plan, you're done.

Without a long-term agreement...there is no future.

I'm a big advocate for people staying in relationships for as long as possible.  If you leave a relationship too early and don't get the lesson, you can bet you'll attract the exact same thing in the next relationship you enter. 

However, if you and your partner are incompatible in your style of relationship and where you want to go's REALLY over.

In Cindy's situation, her relationship with Sam is REALLY over. 

2.  The Relationship is Making You Sick

If you're getting sick, it's time to leave.

Or if your partner is violent and abusive...time to go!

If you need to call a cop a doctor or a's over.

Get out ASAP!

No relationship is worth sacrificing your health and your body.  REALLY!

3.  You Only Feel Apathy and Empathy

If you have no charge...

If you feel sorry for the poor bastard...

Or could care less what he does or does not do...

Or watching him chew turns your stomach...

It's over.  You're done.  REALLY.  Move on.

4.  He Wants to Remain Friends

Classic.  He doesn't want you...but he doesn't want anyone else to have you either!

You cannot be friends with your lover until you both have new lovers first!

Why is that?

Because every time you see him, smell him or hear the sound of his voice, your body chemicals kick in and keep you physically glued!

No one else will look good to you.  It will take you sooooo much longer to recover!

So unless you have children together or a business or some other endeavor that forces you to see each other, do your best to stay apart until your heart is healed!

Got it?  Good.

Everything you need to know about having the romantic relationship you desire and much, much more is in The Role of a Lifetime: How To Star in Your Own Love Story Home Study Course.  Order your copy today!

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