Sunday, March 29, 2009

Can You Be Femnine at Work?

by Cherry Norris, "The Hollywood Dating Director"

I've been bombarded lately with articles and seminars on how women can be more feminine in the workplace.

This cracks me up!


Because work by nature requires a masculine skill set.  Period.  When you work, you produce.  You're active.  You're doing.  You're accomplishing things.  That's what work is.

When you're feminine, it's all about how you feel.  You feel good to do good.  Yes, you might feel good wearing sexy stilettos and a tight skirt on the job...but that doesn't automatically make you feminine.

So can you feel good to do good in the workplace?


Usually at work you have to meet deadlines, make sales calls or close deals in order to get your paycheck.

Feeling good at work over getting your job done will most likely get you fired or put you right out of business!

Years ago, I decided to run my business as a feminine woman.  (After all, I'm in the business of teaching the art of femininity.)  And guess what?  I went out of business.  Very quickly I might add!

If I didn't feel like it, I didn't work.  I didn't give myself deadlines.  I didn't produce.  And within a few months, I didn't have a business.

So the question becomes "Can you be MORE feminine at work?"

The answer is Yes.  Absolutely.  You can.

1.  Look Good

You can dress well.  You can wear form fitting clothes, a nice skirt, heels and make-up.  You can dress like a lady and you will be noticed.

And being noticed can make you feel really good.  Especially when compliments are coming your way! 

Presenting like a feminine woman goes a long way at work and in your romance. already know this.

2.  Speak Respectfully

How you communicate with a man can have him collaborating with you or competing with you.

When you know the art of "man speak" at work, you will find men cheering you, championing you and doing their best to keep you happy so you'll stay on their team.

A colleague of mine works at a prestigious Chicago law firm.  She uses dialogue she learned in The Role of a Lifetime: How to Star in Your Own Love Story at work.  Do you think the lawyers in her firm appreciate how respectful she is?  You bet they do.  They adore her!

Do you think she feels appreciated by the men she works with?  Oh yes.
3.  Turn a Business Deal into a Date

If you work with men, you have an incredible opportunity to audition and present.  And if you know how (and when) to flirt appropriately, you can easily and gracefully turn a business deal into a date.

This is a great way to use your femininity in the work place.  As a woman, your brain can go from business to pleasure in an instant. 

So when you catch that cute guy by the water cooler or at the lunch table, use your feminine ingenuity.  This way he'll see more than your business mind...he'll see your sensual, playful side as well. 

And you never know where that can lead. :)

If you want more ideas and examples of how you can speak your part to attract your romantic co-star, order The Role of a Lifetime: How To Star in Your Own Love Story Home Study Course. 

Everything you need to know about having the romantic relationship you want is there and more!  Order your copy today!

What's Your Story?

by Cherry Norris, "The Hollywood Dating Director"

I felt a little guilty. 

True, I needed to put things in place after having the furniture removed for three weeks while our floors were being replaced (due to water damage),  but I could have just put everything back the way it was...or had the moving company do it.

Instead, I decided to recreate and redesign our space.  I decided to rearrange book shelves and de-clutter closets while everything was still in boxes. 

And I felt a little guilty.

It was easy to think of every other thing I could be doing (returning phone calls, e-mails or working on my business) instead of sorting candlesticks and flower vases.

But for me, this was important.

After all, I am an Ingenue. 

And Ingenues need to feel good before doing good.  And I didn't feel good about having my home out of order.  It was noise in my head.  It messed with my peace.

I needed to set the stage so our home and my business can work under one roof.  I don't want it messy.   I want it nice.  And I want my own space.  Of this I am certain.

(Virginia Woolf was right.)

So in order to feel good to do good at home and in my office, my stage must be in order.  And my story must be straight. 

And so does yours.  Because your home tells the story of who it is you are.

If you want to create (or re-create) the reality of your life look at your home.  Look at what is around you and ask yourself...

1.  What Is My Story?

Your home tells your story.  Every item in your house has energy.  Some of it's old.  Some of it's memorable.  Some of it is worth giving up so you can move out of your past and into your future.

What do your things say about you?  What story do they tell about your life?

What's on your bookshelves?  Who's in your photos?  Your ex?  Old friends?  Other people's children?

As I was rearranging, I found wedding gifts from my first marriage 25 years ago.  Guess what?  They're gone.  Well most of them.  (I had to keep an antique wooden refrigerator...) (What?  I picked it out.)

Is there something in your house that doesn't work for the story you want to tell about yourself?  If so, remove it.  Replace it with an image (or an item) that takes you where you want to be (and with whom you want to be).

2.  Where's My Drama?

Where's the "WOW" factor?  Where's the fun?  Where's the surprise?

Your home can reflect the fun, passionate, creative side of you, so don't be shy! 

My bedroom office used to be a dark, unimaginative, uncreative space.  It basically functioned with a desk, a computer, fax, phone, etc.

The room was filled with past mementos, uninspired images and old furniture...

Until I got creative.

I turned my office into a theatre.  Complete with red curtains, a prop closet, an art department and a rehearsal space.  Now it's a fun place to work.  I'm surrounded with fun, inspiring accessories!

So where's the drama in your home?  What unexpected and fun surprises can we find there? 

Maybe you have an unusual collection of games.  Or unusual travel souvenirs.  Or an unusual room arrangement like swapping your living room with your dining area.  You get the idea. :)

And don't forget the "WOW" factor with food and entertaining!  If a man you like comes to visit, what's in your fridge?  Or say you want to throw an impromptu fete for a few close will you present?

If you want more ideas and examples of how you can set the stage for love and attract your romantic co-star, order The Role of a Lifetime: How To Star in Your Own Love Story Home Study Course. 

Everything you need to know about having the romantic relationship you want it there and more!  Order your copy today!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Final Curtain...How to Know When It's REALLY Over!

by Cherry Norris, "The Dating Director"

Cindy and Sam have been dating for two years.

Cindy wants an engagement ring and a wedding date.

Sam wants to keep things as they are...casual dating.

When Cindy confronted Sam about his long-term plan for them, Sam told her he wasn't interested in marriage.  He is, however, still interested in dating her.

Cindy and Sam are incompatible.

Sadly, Cindy broke up with Sam. 

Sam still calls Cindy, wanting to remain friends.

Cindy now questions if her relationship with Sam is REALLY over. 

Often in a relationship, the final curtain is a break-up and not a marriage.  But how do you know when your relationship is REALLY over?

1.  You Are Incompatible

When you and your partner are not able to reach an agreement for a long-term plan, you're done.

Without a long-term agreement...there is no future.

I'm a big advocate for people staying in relationships for as long as possible.  If you leave a relationship too early and don't get the lesson, you can bet you'll attract the exact same thing in the next relationship you enter. 

However, if you and your partner are incompatible in your style of relationship and where you want to go's REALLY over.

In Cindy's situation, her relationship with Sam is REALLY over. 

2.  The Relationship is Making You Sick

If you're getting sick, it's time to leave.

Or if your partner is violent and abusive...time to go!

If you need to call a cop a doctor or a's over.

Get out ASAP!

No relationship is worth sacrificing your health and your body.  REALLY!

3.  You Only Feel Apathy and Empathy

If you have no charge...

If you feel sorry for the poor bastard...

Or could care less what he does or does not do...

Or watching him chew turns your stomach...

It's over.  You're done.  REALLY.  Move on.

4.  He Wants to Remain Friends

Classic.  He doesn't want you...but he doesn't want anyone else to have you either!

You cannot be friends with your lover until you both have new lovers first!

Why is that?

Because every time you see him, smell him or hear the sound of his voice, your body chemicals kick in and keep you physically glued!

No one else will look good to you.  It will take you sooooo much longer to recover!

So unless you have children together or a business or some other endeavor that forces you to see each other, do your best to stay apart until your heart is healed!

Got it?  Good.

Everything you need to know about having the romantic relationship you desire and much, much more is in The Role of a Lifetime: How To Star in Your Own Love Story Home Study Course.  Order your copy today!