Friday, December 12, 2008

Great Gifts...That Don't Cost You a Dime

by Cherry Norris, "The Dating Director"

'Tis the season...and you know what that means.  Parties!  Presents!  And...Possibilities!

You want to be prepared!

You want to look good.  You want to feel good.  You want to be on your best behavior (or not! :)) 

But just in case...

Just in case this're invited to a fabulous party or decide to host that intimate gathering or just want to go out with friends to see the latest cover band...

And just in case He's there...

You wanna look and feel your best.  You want to be your best self.

And just in case...

You want to be prepared with gifts...for yourself as well as others.

Here are five great gift ideas that are appropriate for you to give during the Holidays...and all year 'round!

1.  Give Presence

When you enter a room...whether it's on a date or for a you present can determine the level of success (or lack of success) for your evening.

You give great presence when you look good, taste good, smell good, sound good and feel good.

Wear something that makes you feel fantastic!

Do something that's good for your dancing or exercise or listening to good music.  Baths and naps are good too!

Give presence to the moment.  Listen and speak with respect.  Even if you don't agree with him (or think he's a dweeb) give him the courtesy of listening.

Listening is an awesome gift.

2.  Give Back

He gives.  You give back.

He calls.  You call him back.

He takes you out...(okay twice.)  You cook him dinner.

Give back in appreciation when he (or anyone else) gives to you.

When you receive a gift, give back.  Give back to a man you respect in a creative, appreciative way.  DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT give him as much as he gives you.

If you give're friends.  If you give more, he's in debt to you.  So unless you wanna play the role of BIG MAMA, pay attention to how much he gives you and what you give back.

3.  Give a Smile

Smiles make you look good and they're easy to wear.

Funny thing about a smile...even when you don't feel like it, smiling makes you feel better.

Do it.  Push up the corners of your mouth (use your fingers if necessary) and see what happens.

Nothing?  Do it again.

Starting to feel it?

Once more...

See?  Great.  Keep wearing it! :)

4.  Give a Compliment

When he does something nice for you, compliment him.

Thank him for his phone call.  Thank him when he takes you out.  Tell him how much you appreciate the date (even if you were bored silly.)  (He can't help who he is.)

Practice giving compliments.  Thank the bus boy who fills your water glass.  Appreciate the security guard who opens the door for you.

Men feel good when they're acknowledged for doing good.

One of the greatest gifts you can give a guy is a compliment.

And when the compliment comes from an amazing, awesome woman like you, he'll Rock when he receives it!

5.  Give to Yourself

This holiday season, I hope you receive many gifts!

But the greatest gift of all is the gift you give yourself.  So be generous.  Be good to yourself.  Take time out.  Have fun.  Rest.  Make time to feel good... 

And may you have the best Holiday EVER!

Enjoy! :)

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