Friday, October 17, 2008

Dialogue for Difficult Situations

by Cherry Norris, "The Dating Director"

Gina was so excited!  A man she was really interested in FINALLY called to invite her out!

"So are you free this weekend?"  He asked.

"Yes I am," Gina responded. 

"Great.  Let's get together." 


"So what do you want to do?"  He asked.

"I don't know.  What do you want to do?"  Gina asked.

"Whatever you want.  I'm flexible."

"Me too.  I don't care,"  Gina said.

And after a few rounds of "I don't know, what do you want?" Gina is so frustrated by the man's lack of a plan that the energy drains right out of the phone call. 

What could Gina have done?  How could she have kept her date in a position of respect and the chemistry high?

Chances are if a man asks out a woman then asks her to make the plan, he's doing it to please her.  He doesn't want to take a risk on taking her someplace she doesn't want to go.

However he unknowingly frustrates her when he invites her out without a plan. 

How would you get your date to step up and make the plan?


1.  Give Him the Right to be Wrong

It's appropriate for a woman who doesn't want to be the respected leader to say something like, "You have every right to ask me to make the plan."  (This gives him permission to be who he is and do things his way.)


2.  Express Your Feelings

Tell him you're uncomfortable leading.  Offer that he presents some ideas and you'll express how you feel about them.


3.  Make an Agreement

Ask him what he thinks about presenting ideas.

If the man doesn't agree to make the plan (and you don't want to) there's no agreement.  You're done.  It's over.

A masculine man will appreciate a woman's willingness to let him lead.  Chances are, he'll be relieved to initiate ideas.

The key thing to remember here is to know your role and speak your part. 

A feminine woman gets what she wants by knowing what she doesn't want.  In this situation, Gina didn't want to lead so she needed to guide the man into making the plan as soon as he asked her what she wanted to do.

This way he feels respected and Gina feels good about accepting the date.

For more dating techniques and to learn what to do and say in your relationship (so you don't blow it)...Order The Role of a Lifetime: How To Star in Your Own Love Story Home Study Course today!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Is Your Stage Set for Love?

by Cherry Norris, "The Dating Director"

Recently, my friend hired a feng-shui artist to advise her on arranging her home to attract the love of her life. 

"Where's your man going to put his brief case?  With so many pillows on your bed, where's he going to sleep?" the feng-shui artist asked.

My friend had an apartment filled with many things, but apparently with no space for another person.

What about you?  Do you have space in your home for love?  If your ideal man walked through the door...would he fit?

Here are two simple directions to Set Your Stage for Love:

1.  De-Clutter

Before meeting Lorenzo, I made a conscious purge of my home that lasted several months. 

I cleaned files and deleted old business.  I updated my photographs and removed items from my ex.  I cleaned closets and left space for a new man to add his clothes.  I gave away or threw away anything that wasn't beautiful, useful or meaningful. 

This wasn't and easy process and it took a few passes, but I did my best to de-clutter my home.

Do you have a bunch of stuff that's getting in the way of your having a relationship?  If so, let it go!  If you're not using it, someone else will...

And you'll free your space for something new!

2.  Re-Design

As a single woman living in my single apartment, my decor supported it.

My artwork featured single women.

My furniture was old and Victorian.

And (embarrassingly) my bedroom looked like a sixteen year old lived there.  I had dainty flowered wallpaper and lace curtains and dolls on the bed!  What man was going to get turned on in there?!?

So I re-designed. 

I replaced my single girl art with couples and landscapes and beautiful scenery.  I added a fresh coat of paint, a new bedspread and curtains to my bedroom.  I bought two equal bedside tables and lamps.  I removed family photos and replaced them with sensual candles and light.  And what a difference!

Now did this make a difference in my meeting Lorenzo?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  What I do know is that I started the process before meeting him in Italy and he moved to Los Angeles the day after the final picture was hung!  Seriously.

I believe in the power of manipulating energy.  When you move things, your body...and reframe your dialogue and your stand to create different results in your life than if you continue to do the same thing over and over.

So I ask you...Is Your Stage Set for Love?

If not, take a risk on De-Cluttering and Re-Designing your space for romance and observe the different results you get!

For more dating techniques and to learn what to do and say in your relationship (so you don't blow it)...Order The Role of a Lifetime: How To Star in Your Own Love Story Home Study Course today!