Friday, May 16, 2008

How To Know if He's REALLY Interested

by Cherry Norris, "The Dating Director"

I received an e-mail from a single woman who attends church regularly. This year she started noticing the men attending her church events.

One man attracted her so she decided to practice her flirting techniques with him. Well, she smiled and got no response. He wouldn't even look at her. Then one night she walked next to him thinking he might look her way and say "hello". But he didn't. She'd never seen him with a woman. He was always alone. So she thought he was just shy.

Then one Sunday as she was selling baked goods, the man walked in...with a woman on his arm.

Ladies, when a man does not respond to you there are reasons.

So how can you tell if he's REALLY interested in meeting you?

1. Signal Him By Smiling for 5 Seconds

Three seconds is polite. Four is not enough. Five gets attention.

Yes, it's terrifying. Yes, you feel like you're inviting him to molest you on the spot. Yes, your armpits are sweating and your lip gets stuck on your tooth...but do it anyway.

A man needs to know you're interested before he feels safe enough to approach. Men who approach you without being signaled are usually drunks or nerds.

A man who walks across a room to speak to you after you've signaled him with a smile is DEFINITELY interested!

2. Don't Speak First

If you see a man you're interested in NEVER speak first (unless you want to pick him up, invite him out and pay for it.) (There's nothing wrong with that...just be conscious.)

If you speak to a man first, not only does it set you up to pursue don't know if he's REALLY interested in you or just being polite.

I know of a woman who met a man in a coffee shop. She approached him and said, "I don't know if you're married or not, but I think you're cute."

They began seeing each other and after a couple months, she found out he was indeed married.

When she questioned him, he said, "You told me when we met you didn't care if I were married."

Oooops! Imagine her surprise.

3. Don't Take Rejection Personally

Sometimes you smile (or drop a handkerchief or trip him) and he just ignores you.
When this happens, don't take it personally. It's true that he may not find you attractive...but it could be because he's not available.

Maybe he's married. Maybe he's gay. Whatever.

Move on. Brush yourself off and smile at the next man you find appealing.

For more flirting techniques and to learn what to do and say in a new relationship (so you don't blow it)...Order The Role of a Lifetime: How To Star in Your Own Love Story Home Study Course today!

Monday, May 5, 2008

How To Handle the Not-So-Great Men

by Cherry Norris, "The Dating Director"

There are Great Men and there are No-So-Great Men.

My Daddy used to say, "Cherry, half the men out there aren't worth killing."  (Encouraging, isn't it?)  Daddy was a corporate lawyer.  And a Great Man.  But he dealt with many Not-So-Great men throughout his life.

And he wasn't afraid to tell you about it.

Just as I'm about to tell you...

As a woman looking for love, you must deal with many Not-So-Great Men while looking for your Great Man.

(But you already knew that.)  (See, nothing gets by you! :))

You know exactly who they are.

You can recognize them in an instant.

So knowing a Not-So-Great Man is not the problem...

The problem is What in God's name do you do with them?

Two examples of Not-So-Great Men are:  The "Nice Guy But..." and the "Rogue."

1.  The "Nice Guy But..."

You know this guy very well. 

He's the guy you meet in the coffee shop or at the gym or your friend sets you up with.

And he's nice.  There's nothing wrong with him.  But there's no magic either. He's just okay.

He's a Not-So-Great Man.  For You.

You go out a couple of times and you know he's feeling the "mojo," but you're not.  And he wants to kiss you and you're like...yuck.

You don't want to hurt him.  Or lead him on.  After all he's a NGB.

So what do you do?

You tell him "see ya" respectfully.  You leave him in as good a place as you found him.  You thank him for everything he's given you.

And you wish him well.

No man deserves to be clobbered for being the "Nice Guy But..."

2.  The Rogue

You LOVE this guy!

This guy is a charmer and he's smooth.  And he looks good.  And he says all the right things.  (At first.)

And he (calls, texts, e-mails) you and you're pleased.  And you start to like him.

Because he's sooooo funny and sooooo sexy.

But he's sooooo broke.

And that's when you start to give to "poor him."

You make him dinner.  Or invite him over for a movie.  Or have sex too soon.

And then you pay.  (Dearly.)

You can't stop thinking about him.  And wanting him.  And feeling bad about yourself.  Because he's gone.

Ladies, this is a Not-So-Great guy.

So what do you do?

You say "No."

"No" to sex.  "No" to calling him to see if he's okay.  "No" to having him over...for ANYTHING!

Until you get what YOU want and need first.  Period.

The challenge with the Rogue is that he's sooooo great and sooooo charming.  And you believe every sweet word he says (in the beginning).

So he's really tough to say "No" to. 

But in the end, you'll be happy you did.